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Divorce and Child Support in Michigan

In almost all cases, getting a divorce will affect your finances. Property division, spousal maintenance and child support are all issues that may be addressed during the divorce process. A qualified Michigan divorce attorney should act as your advisor and informer; working to protect your interests and helping you make the complicated decisions that will affect your and your family’s future.

While your divorce attorney can play a significant role in advocating for your financial interests when it comes to issues like property division, in Michigan, child support obligations are ordered by the Court in accordance with the statewide child support guideline: the Michigan Child Support Formula. Child support obligations cover: general care and needs, medical support and child care expenses. The Formula specifies the method to be used when determining the whole dollar amount of child support ordered. 

Deviations from the Formula are allowable under law, according to MCL 552.605, if “the court determines from the facts of the case that application of the child support formula would be unjust or inappropriate…” Factors such as a parent’s inability to pay due to extraordinary medical expenses or a child’s special needs may justify a deviation from the Formula. 

Michigan divorce attorney James Hubbert has experience and expertise in the field of family law. To learn more about divorce and child support in Michigan, please contact the Law Offices of Graham & Hubbert for your free, initial phone consultation.