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40 Years Combined Experience

Important Landlord-Tenant Laws in Michigan

In Michigan, as in other states, a body of law exists to regulate the relationship between landlords and tenants. Each has rights and each has responsibilities, some created by public statute, and some by private agreement (the lease). Here are some things it’s wise to understand before entering into a landlord-tenant relationship from either side. […]

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Joint Tenancy with Survivorship Rights

In Michigan, as in other states, the use of joint tenancy is one way to co-own property and allow it to pass outside of probate when one co-owner dies. However, it may or may not be the best choice, depending on one’s individual circumstances. What is Joint Tenancy? Joint tenancy is a type of property […]

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Differences between Powers of Attorney and Guardianship

If you find yourself in a position in which you need to act on behalf of another adult, like a parent, spouse, or adult, you need legal authority to do so. Two mechanisms for gaining such authority in Michigan are power of attorney and legal guardianship. What’s the difference? The biggest difference between a power […]

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Risks of Divorcing in Michigan Without an Attorney

With the availability of the Internet and its wealth of information on every topic, people are shying away from hiring professionals for various services they feel they can learn to do themselves. This includes certain legal services like divorce. To the answer, “Why should I hire an attorney for my Michigan divorce?” There is one […]

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Requirements For a Valid Michigan Will

By now you know that your estate plan should include, at a bare minimum, a will. But what’s the difference between a piece of paper that says where you want your property to end up, and a valid will that will be upheld in court? One of the first tasks of the Probate Court when […]

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Probating a Will vs. Having a Trust

How does the probate process begin? When a person dies owning assets in his or her name alone, an estate must be started by a personal representative to handle the decedent’s assets and take care of settling the decedent’s affairs. This is called the probate or estate administration process. The personal representative can be an […]

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Estate Planning Checklist

One of the greatest things you can leave your survivors is an organized estate.  The time you spend now will help your loved ones to cope later, and will also ensure your wishes will be carried out.  Here is a simplified checklist to help you get started on organizing your estate.  It’s also a good idea […]

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Estate Planning Advantages in Michigan

Estate planning is important for everyone, because it gives you the power to decide on your future in the event of death or disability. If you are concerned about what will happen to your properties after your death, you can contact a Michigan estate planning attorney who can discuss the advantages of estate planning with […]

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Understanding the New Michigan Trust Code

Effective April 1, 2010, Michigan has a new law governing trusts set up here in our state. The trust law was overhauled to address gaps in current law, create uniformity between our trust law and that of other states, and make it easier for Michigan banks to appoint a local trustee to oversee trusts established here. Trust […]

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Divorce and Child Support in Michigan

In almost all cases, getting a divorce will affect your finances. Property division, spousal maintenance and child support are all issues that may be addressed during the divorce process. A qualified Michigan divorce attorney should act as your advisor and informer; working to protect your interests and helping you make the complicated decisions that will affect your […]

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