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40 Years Combined Experience

Prevent Your Heirs from Fighting Over Their Inheritance

Fighting Over Inheritance

You’ve spent your life working hard, accumulating as much wealth for your family as possible. If you’re like most people, all that hard work and saving was directed toward one primary goal: the security of your loved ones. It’s satisfying to consider the nest egg you’ve built to provide for your family when you’re no […]

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How Fault Still Matters in a Michigan No-Fault Divorce

In the wake of the recent scandal involving the hacking of Ashley Madison, a “dating” website for married people looking to have affairs, many people have grown concerned—whether or not they used that website—about how evidence of their own misconduct could affect them in a divorce. It’s easy to assume, if you live in a […]

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How to Choose a Divorce Attorney

If you’ve made the decision to divorce, or if your spouse has served you with divorce papers, the next thing you need to do is decide who will advise you and advocate for you throughout the divorce process. Your choice of attorney will affect the division of property, whether spousal support is awarded (and how […]

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What Do Family Lawyers Do?

Many people assume that family lawyers, or family law attorneys, are simply divorce lawyers. While divorce practice is a significant part of a family law attorney’s work, that work encompasses much more. Family law attorneys handle legal matters that arise between people who have a familial relationship or whose legal concerns are connected to family […]

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How to Divorce in Michigan

Most people who are considering a Michigan divorce have a lot of questions about the process. What do you need to file for divorce in Michigan? How long does a Michigan divorce take? Let’s take a look at some of these common concerns.  Starting a Michigan Divorce In order to start a divorce in Michigan, the first […]

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Michigan Pet Trusts

People are often advised to prepare estate plans so that they will have peace of mind, knowing that their family will be cared for if something happens to them. For many Michigan residents, “family” includes a beloved pet or pets. Michigan law recognizes this, and has enacted a law specifically authorizing the creation of a trust for the benefit […]

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Designating Beneficiaries for a Retirement Account

When most people designate beneficiaries for their retirement accounts, they often have a “set it and forget it” mentality. After all, these funds are not likely to be accessed for decades, far off in the hazy future. Unfortunately, a lack of attention now to beneficiary designations could lead to heartache, family feuds, and negative tax […]

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Choosing a Guardian or Conservator for Your Children

It’s a topic no parent wants to think about, but every parent must: if something happened to you and your children’s other parent, who would care for your children? The idea is so uncomfortable for many people, and their daily lives with work and children are so busy, that they put off making a plan—sometimes […]

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When is Separate Property No Longer Separate?

In any Michigan divorce, the divorce judgment must provide for the division of the couple’s property. What this means is that any property that is considered “marital” must be divided. Property that is considered “separate” is, with limited exceptions, not subject to division. Therefore, before a Michigan court can attempt to divide a couple’s marital […]

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How to Tell Your Children About Your Divorce

Making the decision to divorce is difficult. Sharing the news with your children, in some ways, is even harder. Here are some suggestions for making the process easier on them — and on you. Work With Your Spouse. You and your spouse may not be getting along very well, but if you are able to work […]

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